Parish History
The first steps and struggles towards the organizing of St. Valentine’s Polish National Catholic Church began in late 1930, when a group of determined Polish people, filled with love and a deep faith in God and seeking religious truth and freedom, gathered together at the White Eagle and Memorial Halls to make plans. On February 14, 1931, St Valentine’s Day, these faithful made the important decision to organize their own Church, as a parish of the Polish National Catholic Church. Three weeks later, on Sunday, March 8, 1931, the first Mass was celebrated by Bishop Walenty Gawrychowski in the Northampton Unitarian Church. He was assisted by the Rev. Leopold Dabrowski of Ware, the Reverends John Solak and Joseph Soltysiak. The Unitarian Parish allowed the use of their church facility at no charge a fact for which we are everlastingly grateful.
In March 1931, Rev. Leopold Dabrowski was assigned to the newly organized parish as its first resident pastor.
The growth of the parish necessitated the purchase of property for a church. Services were transferred to Memorial Hall while a site was selected.
A building committee made up of the following individuals laid plans for the new church: John Berestka, Alexander Dryzgula, Vincent Juszkiewicz, Konstanty Krawczynski, Melchior Kulesza, Michael Rozycki and Sergis Szumikowski.
In June 1931, land with a house was purchased at the corner of King Street and Edwards Square, which at one time had been the residence of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards.
On September 7, 1931, ground was broken for the new church building and two and a half months later, on November 16 Bishop Walenty Gawrychowski blessed the cornerstone. In November of the same year, the parish accepted a bid to build the new church. The new church was completed in January 1932 and on the last day of that month, the faithful of St. Valentine’s Parish assembled in the new edifice as their pastor, Rev. Dabrowski, celebrated the first Mass in the presence of a great number of people. The church seats approximately 500 people.
A memorable event took place on August 7, 1932, when the new church was consecrated dedicated by the founder of the Polish National Catholic Church, Bishop Francis Hodur. The following description of this event was found in the historical records of the parish: “The attendance overflowed the church and included a large crowd on the grounds. An arch had been erected at the street and on the main walk and carried an inscription of Welcome. It was decorated with laurel flowers and Polish and American Flags... The bell, which had been dedicated a few weeks prior, was rung for the first time upon the arrival of Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur at the church. The first ceremony was the blessing of the walls of the church by Prime Bishop Hodur, leading the procession of priests, the choir and the women’s societies who marched around the church. This ceremony was followed by a dedication Mass by Bishop Walenty Gawrychowski and the sermon was preached by Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur who also completed the service with the pontifical Benediction.”
In 1935, a rectory was built at 8 Edwards Square and used as such until the present rectory was purchased in 1946 from Mr. & Mr. John Newman. In 1941, three new altars were built by a parishioner, Walter Swieconek and consecrated at a special service by Bishop Joseph Lesniak.
The Holy Trinity Cemetery of St. Valentine's Parish consisting of several acres for gravesites and a Chapel is located in nearby Hatfield, Massachusetts. The cemetery was incorporated in 1931.
Many improvements were made over the years to the church property. During the pastorate of Rev. Francis H. Kaminski, the church mortgage was retired in 1953 and the 25 Anniversary of the Church was celebrated in 1956. The 50 Anniversary of the Church was celebrated in 1981 and the 75 in 2006.
Rev. Francis H. Kaminski the pastor from 1944-1970 passed away in July 1970. Two interim pastors served St. Valentine’s Church until Rev. Julian Pagacz was appointed Pastor in 1973 by then Prime Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski in concurrence with Bishop Walter Slowakiewicz, the Late Bishop Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese. During his pastorate, new vestments and sacred vessels for the church were purchased and improvements were made to the church properties.
The various societies of the Church were very active until the recent years. The societies include the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Society, Altar Boys’ Society, Parish Choir, Young Peoples Association, and Young Women’s Club of Maria Konopnicka.
The following pastors have served St. Valentine’s Parish:
Rev. Leopold Dabrowski - 1931-34
Rev. Edward Staropinski - 1934 (3 months)
Rev. Karol Ernest - 1934-35
Rev. Joseph Pekala - 1935-36
Rev. Augustyn Krauze - 1936 (7 months)
Rev. John Zielinski - 1936-41
Rev. Walter Pawlowski - 1941-44
Rev. Francis Kaminski - 1944-70
Rev. Stephen Kaminski - 1971-72
Rev. Francis Niemiec - July 23, 1972-February 13, 1974
Rev. Julian Pagacz - February 14, 1973-1996
Very Rev. Joseph Soltysiak - Administrator 1996-June 30, 2012
Rev. Randolph Calvo - Associate Administrator - 1998-June 30, 2012
Rev. Adam Czarnecki - July 1, 2012-present.